Our school
We are a mid sized family orientated school, in the West Gippsland rural township of Neerim South. Our school develops values, attitudes, knowledge and skills enabling our students to become life long learners. Self motivated, enthusiastic and articulate learners, who embrace their future as optimistic, respectful, contributing members of their local and global communities.
Neerim South Primary School No. 2432
Neerim South Primary School was officially opened on the 22nd of September, 1881, with Mary D. Cowan appointed the first Head Teacher. The original school site was just north of the township, near the location of the current town water storage. A new school was erected on the present site in 1909. This building is still in existence.
Rebecca Williams – Principal
Principal since 29 Jan 2024.
Business Manager
Debbie Beck
Grade F R
Naomi Robb (Jacqui Holland)
Grade 01B
Caitlyn Barnard (Linda Doyle)
Grade 02S
Leillah Strating, (Elise Yuill)
Grade 3/4H
Amanda Harrington (Mitch Strating)
Grade 3/4P
Nathan Power (Genine Tangipo)
Grade 5/6H
Glenn Heath (Joseph Collins)
Grade 5/6B
Melinda Burns (Susan Moss)
Leading Teacher
Helen Collins (Mon, Tues & Fri)
Learning Specialist
Leillah Strating ( Fri)
Helen Collins (Wed & Thurs)
Christina Duncan (Tues/Wed)
Physical Education
Megan Parker (Tues/Thurs)
Natasha Brown (Tues/Wed)
Leading Teacher Wellbeing
Cheryl Anstis (Mon-Thurs)
Victoria McKays (Tues – Fri)
Education support officers:
e-Learning: Darren Freeman, Andrew Malycha (Wedensday morning)
PSD Student / Inclusion Support Officers:
Jacqui Holland, Susan Moss, Joseph Collins, Linda Doyle, Genine Tangipo, Mitch Strating, Elise Yuill
Library Support (F-6):Darren Freeman
Buildings/Grounds Maintenance Darren Freeman
Our school is located on the Neerim Main Road in a residential area of Neerim South and has been an integral part of the local community for over one hundred and thirty years. Our amazing new Grade 3 – 6 Learning Centre is a building of innovative architectural design and now the hub of our school. It provides access to four modern classrooms, a variety of smaller learning areas, library, offices, staff workspaces and storage, as well as two fantastic large outdoor learning areas.
All buildings throughout the school have disabled access.
Multi Court
Our latest multi use sporting facility that allows our students to participate in a variety of different sports on synthetic grass.
We have picturesque, well maintained, spacious and shady playgrounds with ample student seating and play equipment.
Netball / Tennis Court
Throughout the day our students have the use of two international standard netball and tennis courts situated in the Recreation Reserve adjoining the bottom of our grounds.
Orana Community Centre
This wonderful user friendly building was school designed, voluntary project managed and built through funds received from the federally funded “Investing in Schools” program, along with great community generosity and business partnerships, in 2007-08.
We jointly own, with our neighbouring Neerim District Secondary College, a large centrally-located indoor stadium, hosting indoor sports, our Active After School Communities program, sports clinics, incursions, dancing and basketball.
Student Leadership
Opportunities for students to participate in school wide decision making is highly valued at Neerim South Primary School. This opportunity is provided to our students through the following :-
School Captains
It is the role of the Neerim South Primary School Captains to ensure they set a positive example for all students. They also are responsible for running assemblies each Friday, and ensuring all visitors to the school are shown around and aware of the positive aspects of Neerim South Primary School. The School Captains are active members of the Junior School Council and work alongside the House Captains to ensure all sports days are successful and enjoyable for all participants.
Junior School Council
All classes from grades 3-6 elect a male and female representative to Junior School Council at the beginning of each year. Two students from grade 6 are elected by the staff and students to be Junior School Council Leaders. Our two elected School Captains assist these leaders in conducting the meetings. The students are encouraged to raise student ideas and concerns and to negotiate ways of solving these. Our Junior School Council is also involved in raising funds for various charities and school defined projects and organising activities for fellow students.
Student Assemblies
All students in leadership positions are given the opportunity to organise and run Friday Assemblies. This leadership role provides students with the skills of organisation, planning, and public speaking. Parents and visitors are most welcome to attend these student run assemblies between 2:50pm – 3:15pm, each Friday fortnightly.
School House Program
The house program at Neerim South Primary School aims to develop a sense of community and team within our broader school environment. Throughout the year, our students have the opportunity to participate in activities and competitions for their house. Students in Year 6 also have the opportunity to be selected as captains for their house as part of our student leadership program.
Activities Program
Students have the opportunity to develop and implement lunch time activities for their fellow students. These activities may involve sport, craft or other interest based passions.
Bus Captain
A significant number of students travel from outlying areas to our school by government provided buses. The three buses that pick up and drop off our students have one of our senior students as a bus captain.