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Our school


We are a mid sized family orientated school, in the West Gippsland rural township of Neerim South. Our school develops values, attitudes, knowledge and skills enabling our students to become life long learners. Self motivated, enthusiastic and articulate learners, who embrace their future as optimistic, respectful, contributing members of their local and global communities.


Neerim South Primary School No. 2432

Neerim South Primary School was officially opened on the 22nd of September, 1881, with Mary D. Cowan appointed the first Head Teacher. The original school site was just north of the township, near the location of the current town water storage. A new school was erected on the present site in 1909. This building is still in existence.


Rebecca Williams – Principal

Principal since 29 Jan 2024.

Business Manager

Debbie Beck

Grade F R

Naomi Robb (Jacqui Holland)

Grade 01B

Caitlyn Barnard (Linda Doyle)

Grade 02S

Leillah Strating, (Elise Yuill)

Grade 3/4H

Amanda Harrington (Mitch Strating)

Grade 3/4P

Nathan Power (Genine Tangipo)

Grade 5/6H

Glenn Heath (Joseph Collins)

Grade 5/6B

Melinda Burns (Susan Moss)

Leading Teacher

Helen Collins (Mon, Tues & Fri)

Learning Specialist

Leillah Strating ( Fri)


Helen Collins (Wed & Thurs)


Christina Duncan (Tues/Wed)

Physical Education

Megan Parker (Tues/Thurs)


Natasha Brown (Tues/Wed)

Leading Teacher Wellbeing

Cheryl Anstis (Mon-Thurs)


Victoria McKays (Tues – Fri)

Education support officers:

e-Learning: Darren Freeman, Andrew Malycha (Wedensday morning)

PSD Student / Inclusion Support Officers:
Jacqui Holland, Susan Moss, Joseph Collins, Linda Doyle, Genine Tangipo, Mitch Strating, Elise Yuill

Library Support (F-6):Darren Freeman

Buildings/Grounds Maintenance Darren Freeman